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1. Регенерација на пиперка (Capsicum annuum L.) од апикални пупки во услови in vitro1994
2. Интердисциплинарен проект-Поезија, Уметност, Етика и Екологија1994
3. Bacterial Fire Blight Diseases in Macedonia 1994
4. h-Adaptive Mesh Generation using Electric Field Intensity Value as a Criterion (in Japanese)1994
5. On the application of Hopfield neural network in finite element analysis1994
6. Селската куќа во областа Сува Гора - тетовско1994
7. New Surgical Treatment for Severe Limb Ischemia1994
8. Reperfusion injury in skeletal muscle: controlled limb reperfusion reduces local and systemic complications after prolonged ischaemia1994
9. Moho - discontinuity in correlation with some geophysic parametars1994
10. Метода на корелација и линеарна регресиона анализа1994
11. FUZZY методологија во геологијата и рударството1994
12. Computer treatment of gravity concentration from chromite ore1994
13. Matematical modelling of the flotation proces1994
14. Analyses of Levitation Force in Induction Heating Furnace using 3D Edge Finite Element Method1994
15. An improved method for magnetic flux density visualization using three‐dimensional edge finite element method1994
16. The Hopfield Neural Network and its Application for direct Solution and inverse Optimization in Finite Element Analysis1994
17. Analytical Calculation of Magnetic Flux Lines in 3-D Space1994
18. Analysis of Induction Skull Melting Furnace by Edge Finite Element Method excited from Voltage Source1994
19. On the application of hopfield neural network finite element analysis1994
20. A parallel Processing Method in Finite Element Analysis using Domain Division1994
21. A new 'floating nodes method' for 2d h-adaptive mesh refinement using electric field intensity values as a criterion1994
22. Non-Sensus бариери1994
23. Државен "Тигар"1994
24. Огледало на перфомансите на акционерското друштво1994
25. Запоставен инвестиционен потенцијал1994
26. Природата на акционерскиот капитал1994
27. The composition of some ore minerals from the Titano-Magnetite ore mineralization near Mitrasinci1994
28. Occurrences of Fe-Ti mineralization in the vicinity of the village of Mitrašinci1994
29. The metallogenetic features of the Bučim ore field (Eastern Macedonia)1994
30. The distribution of the heavy metals in the soil along the river Zletovska and its tributaries 1994
31. Минерални фази во предредуцираните пелети од металургискиот процес на Фенимак Кавадарци1994
32. Quantitative mineralogical analysis of the ore from the Rzanovo and nikelbearing deposit, Republic of Macedonia1994
33. Analysis of Eddy- Current Losses and Levitation Force inside Induction Furnace by 3-D Edge Finite Element Method1994
34. HCV infection in the transfusion service: approach and control1994
35. Clinical importance of imunoglobulin classes of HCV antibodies1994
36. Icidence of HBsAg and HCV antibodies among workers exposed to HBV and HCV infection in Stip Medical Centre1994
37. Incidence of HCV antibodies among blood donors in Stip area1994
38. HCV antibodies among blood donors in the Republic of Macedonia1994
39. Occurrence of HCV infection in patients viral hepatitis in the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Stip, 1991-19921994
40. HCV-antibodies in orthopaedic patients1994
41. HCV infection: presence and nature1994
42. Ogranicenja, osetljivost i maksimizacija tecnosti pri proracunu tehnoloskih indikatora u pms primenom kompjuterskih programa1994
43. The evolutionary planning of the flotation concentration from the copper ore1994
44. ¹³C NMR analysis of polyacrylonitrile synthesized with manganese ( III ) diacetylaconate rhodanide as initiators 1994